if ($_GET['ContentID']) $ContentID=DbPreveriId("novice",$_GET['ContentID']);
if (!$_GET['ContentID']) {
$ContentID=DbMQFA("select ID from novice where Objava='1' order by datum desc");
$Content=DbMQFA("select * from novice where ID='".$ContentID."'");
echo $Content['Vsebina'];?>
$Sql="select * from slike where rubrika='novice' and artikelid='".$Content['ID']."' and objava='1'";
if ($Fotografij>0) { ?>
while ($Slika=DbFA($SlikaSql)) {
$ContentSql=DbQuery("select * from novice where objava='1' and Datum>'".$Leto."-".$Mesec."-1' and Datum<'".$Leto."-".$Mesec."-31' order by datum desc");
while ($Content=DbFA($ContentSql)) {?>
echo IzpisDatum($Content['Datum']);?> echo $Content['Naslov'];?>
echo $Content['Podnaslov'];?>
$Naslednja=DbMQFA("select * from novice where Datum>'".$Leto."-".($Mesec+1)."-1' order by datum asc"); if ($Naslednja) {?>< Naslednji mesec } ?>
$Prejsnja=DbMQFA("select * from novice where Datum<'".$Leto."-".($Mesec-1)."-31' order by datum desc"); if ($Prejsnja) {?>Prejšnji mesec > } ?>